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CLP Centre, San Paolo Hospital, Milano

ERN CRANIO full member centre.

Questo centro è esperto in:

The area of expertise includes all craniofacial anomalies and in particular cleft lip and palate. Within the craniofacial team the following expertise is offered: maxillofacial surgery, ENT, ophthalmology, pediatrics, intensive care pediatrics, anesthesiology, orthodontics, genetics, neurology, radiology, psychology, psychiatry, social work, speech therapy, prenatal diagnostics, and home ventilation.

All team members are involved in developing guidelines and standards of care in close collaboration with the patients's society "ti racconto un soriso". On an international level close collaboration and comparison of outcomes is planned.

The team offers teaching for medical students and residents. Team members participate in the European Society of CLP and other International Societies. Research is an integrated part of care and this is done in close collaboration with all team members within the center, and also with other European craniofacial centers, particularly Oslo-sweden, GOSH-London. Our expertise in care, training, education and research will contribute to the care for patients with a rare craniofacial disorder.

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ERN CRANIO è finanziato dall'Unione Europea. Il contenuto di questo sito web rappresenta solo il punto di vista dell'autore ed è di sua esclusiva responsabilità; non si può ritenere che rifletta il punto di vista della Commissione europea e/o dell'Agenzia esecutiva per la salute e il digitale (HaDEA) o di qualsiasi altro organismo dell'Unione europea. La Commissione europea e l'Agenzia non si assumono alcuna responsabilità per l'uso che può essere fatto delle informazioni in esso contenute. 

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