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Hospital 12 de Octubre

ERN CRANIO full member centre.

Dit ziekenhuis heeft expertise in:

The Unit has specialized medical and nursing referrals for the different subspecialities. A multidisciplinary treatment of all complex pathologies of the cranio-maxillofacial and ENT / skull base areas are approached. Among surgical procedures performed we include: a) intracranial procedures (conventional skull expansion or by distraction osteogenesis); b) insertion of VP shunts for treatment of hydrocephalus; c) ETV; d) foramen magnum decompression ; e) monoblock or facial bipartition with or without distraction; f) orbital surgery; g) procedures Le Fort I-II-III with or without distraction; h) osteotomies of the zygomatic arch; i) mandibular advancement with or without distraction; j) mento- plastia; k) all craniofacial implants; l) auricular and pinna reconstruction; m) fat grafting (liposculpture); n) free microsurgical transfers and transplants; ñ) graft and facial nerve repairs, etc.

An Airway Unit is available for sleep studies through polysomnography or home sleep monitoring with ventilation equipment fully equipped. Treatment of obstruction of the upper airway is followed closely and treated with pediatric surgeons (Dr. Pacheco), pediatric intensive care, ENT, child anesthesiology, maxillofacial surgeons and plastic surgeons team.

Prenatal counseling is routinely done with Fetal Pathology Clinics (Dr. Galindo) in which all specialties come together to discuss the prenatal findings and develop the best treatment plan for mother and child. There is close collaboration between the nurse specialist, social worker, psychologist and psychiatrist within the team for early referral, detection and treatment of the patient and / or parents. Units of Traumatology and Orthopedics with Children Rehabilitation team perform the treatment of associated malformations. Genetic screening is offered routinely to all patients and relatives, with the option to participate in genetic research in progress by exchanging data with other units.

Our hospital has electronic medical records, which allows access to information and coordination with primary care physicians by HORUS tool.

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