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A letter to the European Commission

Oct 6, 2023

Call on the EU institution and EU Member States' governments to stand by the European Reference Networks

The European Reference Network representatives and people living with a rare disease across Europe, call on the EU institutions and EU Member States’ governments to stand by the European Reference Networks and to uphold their commitment to enable long-lasting impact in people’s lives and, fundamentally, give all people living with a rare or complex condition in Europe the same opportunities to access timely and adequate specialised healthcare.

In particular, ERNs ask for Secure long-term financial stability

  • Designate Affiliated Partners and expand the disease coverage

  • Support greater cross-ERN collaboration

  • Establish treatment eligibility and molecular therapeutic panels

  • Fully integrate ERNs into national health system services

  • Urgently define and systematically collect and monitor health and experienced-based outcome measures

  • Better support and recognition of the contribution of volunteer patient organisations, patient representatives, healthcare providers and clinicians in the Networks

The complete letter can be found here.

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ERN CRANIO è finanziato dall'Unione Europea. Il contenuto di questo sito web rappresenta solo il punto di vista dell'autore ed è di sua esclusiva responsabilità; non si può ritenere che rifletta il punto di vista della Commissione europea e/o dell'Agenzia esecutiva per la salute e il digitale (HaDEA) o di qualsiasi altro organismo dell'Unione europea. La Commissione europea e l'Agenzia non si assumono alcuna responsabilità per l'uso che può essere fatto delle informazioni in esso contenute. 

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