University of Pécs
ERN CRANIO full member centre.
This centre has expertise in:
The Department of Medical Genetics was officially launched by a Senate decision in 1997 at the University of Pecs. The predecessor of the Department was a "Working group" at the Department of Pediatrics established in 1994 by Karoly Mehes. The first head of the department was Prof. Gyorgy Kosztolanyi from 1997-2007. Since 2007 Prof. Bela Melegh has been the Chair.
Clinical care:The department is a diagnostic, treatment and research facility specialized in hereditary and acquired disorders of the human genome. The scope of our patient care activities includes the recognition of both the discrepancies leading to abnormalities of the genome and the developing pathological processes, as well as the early identification of individuals and families at risk, and upon the identification of the genetic defect the preventive care of the affected family members, prevention of mental and physical retardation of those born with genetic disorders in addition to the rehabilitation of such patients. Our department strongly collaborates with other departments of the Medical Center.
The genetic unit has appropriate equipmentation, we have ISO accrediation for the laboratory genetic tests. Large biobank collections we have from such individuals and from their family members (we are a national coordinating center for biobanks).
We were involved in international partnership as participants of an EU7 project (EUROSCA and affiliate partner in Neuromics). We are also members of the UDNI (Undiagnosed Disease Network International); we often receive patients or patient's samples for diagnostic procedures from the neighbouring countries.
There is a multidisciplinary team called Cleft Workteam since 1996 at our university. lt was founded by Prof. Pintér András, and is now coordinated by Dr. Vástyán Attila. The members of this team meet monthly for evaluation of new patients and develop individualized treatment strategies.